I really dont know how to say this, so I just say it right out. When I think of you, I think of something special. I think of something meaningful, and the feeling of something I have never felt before starts to rush at me. I just really can't put the finger on what it is, put it's something special alright. It's a feeling that involves love, trust, hope and pain. All at once. Since I'm no expert on love, I really can't say what it is. But all I wanna know is: Do you think of me, in the same way that I think of you?

Postat av: I don't have a name because when I was born the cows were named Charlie, My parents wanted me to have that name. But, only the cows were alloud to be named Charlie, so I never got a name =(

Alexandra that's sooo cute! I belive the person thinks of you in the same way as you do, because you are, and will always be the most wonderfullest person, Alexandra!

2010-01-29 @ 15:35:55
Postat av: I don't have a name cuz when I was born the cows were named Charlie n my parents wanted me to have that name. But only the cows were alloud to be named Charlie, so I never got a name =( but that was way back in the days. now i call myself ninjaturtle!

Alexandra that's sooo cute! I belive the person thinks of you in the same way as you do, because you are, and will always be the most wonderfullest person, Alexandra!

2010-01-29 @ 15:40:00
Postat av: heeeyyheeyy my name izz shizzle dizzle frizzle nizzle kizzle wizzle uizzle tizzle mclovin

HEY!!LOOK! SHE AINT THE ONLY PERSON WHO'S THE WONDERFULLEST!! : http://www.google.se/search?hl=sv&source=hp&q=wonderfullest&meta=&aq=f&oq=


2010-01-29 @ 15:42:03

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